Been a busy bumbler this last week, so thus lack of blogging.
However, had a great chat with Nick Holmes from Different Kettle, see http://www.differentkettle.com
I was expecting a brief to be fired at us, and to present the following week and get his expert feedback. But he actually proposed that we have to write the brief ourselves for a product. He had a simple formula to what should be included.
These were:
Who are we talking to
What do we want them to do
Why do we want them to do it.
And that’s it.
A bit different to the crammed A4 piece we get with thousands of sub categories.
I found it a great exercise because it really helps with clarity of thought and brings some focus back into creative work. This week for instance doing our own briefs has been a challenge its amazing where ideas go wondering but have little relevance to what you are trying to communicate. So I’m going to try this formula to see if it gets us anywhere.
We were then giving Amnesty International to advertise, in which ever way we think to who ever and communicating whatever. I was a little annoyed with the old charity thing to work on, however the best 6 teams will go to WK London to do a brief for them. So an fantastic opportunity.
Meanwhile 10 weeks till Christmas and 10 briefs to do!
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