Friday, May 21, 2010

Wanted Ads brief and viral

Our work can now be seen here.

The peoples choice is also up. Pick us if you like it. Thanks

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A change of name

From Last week, Cate and I now work at "Crayon" as HS&P got re-branded to help encompass the group under one roof. Crayon will offer a full digital and direct service for clients such as Sony, Honda, Axa, BT, British Gas and Diagio.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mussels in Brussels

Last week saw Cate and I scooting off to Brussels for a few days to take part in the European BestYET competition. 18 teams took part to battle out for title of "BestYet team of the year"

We ended up staying in Luven, where Stella Artois is made. So you've guessed it, our brief was to advertise Stella Artois. The proposition, as it were, was to show Stella in a premium light showcasing it's "authentic quality." We had about a day and half on the brief including a trip to the factory itself and a lesson in pouring the perfect pint. Check out the photos below of the trip. Unfortunately we didn't win, but the trophy still came home to the UK with Julia and Gav picking up first place. We had a really enjoyable trip thanks to the precise planning from Lucy and our delegate Rob at the Newspaper society and the lovely company of Julia and Gav. So thank you!

What did we learn from this trip:

Keep things simple. As is always the case with great adverts, but especially true when communicating to Europe.

Keep smiling. The work that got the most praise made the audience chuckle.

Keep drinking, beer tastes better in Belgium. And that's strong stuff coming from a Cider drinker.

Keep perfecting quickly, 24 hours seems shorter abroad.

Keep chatting, amazing what you learn from your foreign counterparts that are merely just across the English Channel.

More work and info can be found here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The People's choice

The Chip Shop people have decided to let the public get their smitty paws on the entries this year. So in pure competitive spirit here's the link.

All you have to do is press the star rating on our entry (Alka Seltzer app) and that's it. The formula below makes it seem tricky but very intelligent. I think it just means rate/votes= average. Thanks

***The final results will be assessed using an algorithm designed to weight ratings to include factors like how many people actually voted for a piece of work.***

The formula we will use is: (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) x R + (m ÷ (v+m)) x C

* R = average for the piece of work(mean) = (Rating)
* v = number of votes for piece of work = (votes)
* m = minimum votes required to be listed in finalist table
* C = the mean vote across the whole judging process

Monday, May 3, 2010

it's called...The...You...Tube

Here is our video from the Wanted Ads on the Newspaper Society Reel. *cringe*. You can see all the other 18 teams by pressing this link. I think the work will also be uploaded soon as well so you can then put a better picture to our ramblings.

We are off the brussels this Thursday for the next stage to represent the UK at Best Yet . eeeps!