Whilst browsing the net i found this really interesting visual, not really because of its athestics but what it's representing. Its a visual of how the internet would look. Pretty much like a ball of mess but in some shape. It got me thinking i wonder if you could visualise the advertising industry, and how its all linked. just a thought....
I attended the GRT book crits last friday in Tequilla. It was a fantastic opportunity meeting 6 creative directors continuosly for 3 hours! I had to admit I didn't get the best start, arriving a tad late due to a national express bus leaving me and a fellow passanger at the services! So, after turning up a tad flustered after running through various tube stations, the afternoon was worth all the stress of getting there. I met the following people which as expected gave me varying feedback.
Simon Bosworth CD TDA Trevor Chambers CD- Start Creative Iian Hunter- Wunderman Jamie Bell- Creative Group head, Wunderman David Harris- CD and GRt Trustee, wrote the Brief. Chris Catchpole- CD Catchpole and Friends
Ill write general comments about each brief i had in my book.
1. Photolibrary. Everyone remebered it clearly, so must have been a rememberable piece. Many however prefered my digital version, which suprised me! Maybe the bakery is leaning towards a didigtal future.
2.Covent Garden Soup. A brief I did for Mother. Tv campaign showing a cow eating the ingrediants for soup and producing fresh soup! A few guys thought it was a tad mad, but all seemed to like it in a quirky way. It was suggested like most of my campaigns i should extend the idea into other mediums.
3. Oxford English dictionary. All liked the client i used and my idea as shown below but all think i need a grounding bit of copy. Simon Bosworth picked up on my lack of copy but gave me a great tip of getting into copy, think of it like a conversation and edit down. Again, campain is extendable, sigestions, sms text.
4.Bulldog. Natural male grooming products. This piece was done for YCN. Bad press form this, completley told to scrap it by a few. The image didnt seem right at all, which i agreed. Maybe re-do with a more ruggeded,manly,essex biy attitude.
5.Grazia. Done for DandAD, as you can imagine seen thousands of times over. A few guys likeed the piece suggested i should scamp it all to the same style as previous as mac version wasnt giving it justice. A few said my scamps were great and could run as they were.
6. Nivea- As seen below. All said it was great, but not much else, so i think despite it winning i will eventually move it aside for third year work.
So overall, increase my copy, find a decent partner, go back to a few people with my changes.
Last Thursday I attended the Clear Channel Student Awards at the Orchid Bar, Piccadilly Circus. It was a great night, meeting some top contacts and picking up the catagory winner for "Sponser Judging award" for Nivea Visage Young. It was a good first awards ceremony and the free bar certainly helped! Let me know what you think of the campaign.
Heres the judges comments: The Nivea judge was impressed as this design fits the brief and reflects the brand personality. The creative is young, fresh, girly and engaging, and all relevant brand elements have been integrated. Furthermore, the creative idea was carried across the different outdoor formats very well, being innovative at the same time.
thats right, i have no internet. So this blog is coming from an internet cafe and im being charged to write on my blog! Ive also missed the opportunity to grab the new 3G iphone online, which has now sold out. Gutted.
Good news though, got a few contacts about partners, this dating is all exiciting. Does anyone have any good tips on finding the perfect creative partner? Or disaster stories?
Right, im off as i cant afford another minute. Meanwhile im in London for the next few days and will tell all when i return.
Recently I've had lots of insight into sustainable advertising and graphics. It all sounds a tad boring and yet just another area where we seem to be lectured on saving the world. I'm not a hippy,druid or ship jumping green protester but since ive started researching into the subject I'm actually getting more of a positive solid view towards sustainable business'. Take Three Trees
A sucessful business with clear ethics with great work. Also futerrawhos spokesperson at D&AD was really inspiring and these people are really passionate about trying to change the way creative industries work to benefit everyone. It's a quickly expanding area, but i just hope that its not companies trying to jump on the bandwagon with the whole "green" image inevitably cashing in truck loads from companies trying to prove they are fashionably green too. But then again if there still producing fantastic work as well as being sustainable, who can knock em.
Tell me your thoughts on these kind of business. Should i be aspiring to such levels, or is it a green wash out??
I'm having a crit next week and every crit I've had I have been told about the importance of expanding concepts to new and exciting digital formats. I don't know if its just in my little uni bubble, but im just not getting reved up about it all.
Whilst reading "Digital Disiples" by Patrick Burgoyne in this month CR I found a quote which pretty much back up how i feel :
" Digital advertising has produced nothing of any note. If all about being entertaining and engaging, then we havent done anything significant yet. We're still making shitty microsites" Flo Heiss, Dare.
Im sure that i will come round to the idea of thinking digitally maybe first, rather than a last medium and doing it not just to impress creatives to give me a job but that its the best and most exiting,challenging way to communicate.
Im going to work on some more digital responses and post them here shortly.
What do we think?? Is the classic age of press,tv and radio really dying out to digital?? So i try thinking digitally first?
On a happier note. This new Advert ticked all the bakery boxes. Lovely